Il know-how scientifico sviluppato all’interno del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente dell'Università di Pavia si traduce in trasferimento tecnologico, con la realizzazione di innovative realtà produttive che coinvolgono i nostri docenti e ricercatori, coadiuvati da studenti e dottorandi.
Brevetto - Methods for generating Electrical Energy from Soil Degradation (EP 20215777.2)
L'obiettivo dell'invenzione è fornire un dispositivo e un metodo per la generazione di energia elettrica dalla degradazione del terreno.
Referente: Silvia Assini
il Dipartimento partecipa attivamente a progetti di nature based solution nell'ambito della produzione di alimenti, energia e piante.
The research activities of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Pavia are communicated to the non-academic lay audience through the development of non-profit activities of cultural, educational and societal value. We engage in the dissemination of our most significant scientific discoveries and most interesting activities through various media: newspapers and magazines, radio, television, as well as websites and our social-media channels. We organize or participate in festivals, science cafes, in-person seminars and webinars, nature fieldtrips, exhibitions, concerts and performances, as well as interactive activities aimed at young or very young audiences. We participate in the production of science-related television documentaries and educational videos. We directly engage with citizens, making them active participants in our research projects, in part through the University crowdfunding platform Universitiamo by Unipv. Department Communication Contact Person: Claudia Lupi
Here are some examples of recent public engagement activities.
‘Settimana del Pianeta Terra’ (Planet Earth Week) - Science festival held throughout Italy since 2012, it is organized for an entire week in October. So-called “Geo-events” are organized in different places throughout the country with the aim to disseminate scientific knowledge.
Creator: Silvio Seno
Science Battle - International team competition organized as part of the European Campus of City-Universities (EC2U) alliance: teams of researchers from different universities compete in a question-and-answer battle on topics ranging from astrophysics to psychology, demonstrating to the public how researchers approach a new question and conduct academic research.
Contestant of the first edition of the Science Battle: Mattia Gilio
IT.A.CÀ - Festival of Responsible Tourism, which aims to improve tourist behaviour by encouraging the protection of natural, social and cultural heritages.
Contact person for the Pavia and Oltrepò Pavese Stage: Claudia Lupi
‘Le forme dell’Acqua’ (The forms of Water) - Exhibition and photo contest dedicated to water and all the forms it takes: natural and artificial environments, phenomena and curiosities. Event developed as part of the ASVIS Festival of Sustainable Development.
Creator: Renato Sconfietti
‘I Segreti degli Animali Marini’ (The Secrets of Sea Animals) - Storytelling, Marine Biology and Creativity Workshop for primary school children, developed as part of the ASVIS Festival of Sustainable Development. A journey into the sea to learn first-hand about the animals of the seabed, their secrets and the dangers that threaten them.
Creators: Agnese Marchini and Jasmine Ferrario
‘Donne in Scienza’ (Women in Science) - Quiz on some prominent female figures in the Geological and Natural Sciences, broadcast by on International Women and Girls on Science Day (11th February).
Creators: Claudia Lupi and Chiara Amadori
Terra nascosta - Rocce, vulcani e terremoti dalle scoperte di Taramelli alla Geologia moderna. Dal 5 marzo al 12 giugno 2022 presso Kosmos – Museo di Storia naturale dell’Università di Pavia.
A cura di: Claudia Lupi
Capire il cambiamento climatico - Acqua, una risorsa insostituibile. Dal 29 Aprile al 31 Luglio 2022 presso Spazio Innov@zione della Fondazione CRC, Cuneo. In collaborazione con National Geographic Society, OTM Company e Studeo group.
A cura di: Agnese Marchini, Silvia Assini, Massimiliano Bordoni, Claudia Meisina, Andrea Mondoni, Anna Occhipinti, Roberto Seppi
‘Guardiani della Natura’ (Guardians of Nature), produced by WWF and Huawei as part of the TECH4ALL project. The documentary describes an innovative project on the analysis of habitat soundscapes with the aim to assess their health status by considering acoustic biodiversity and the impact of noise.
With the participation of: Gianni Pavan
Ocean Aware, produced by ITN Productions and the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO). In this series dedicated to the current challenges faced by seas and oceans, a part is devoted to the problem of biofouling: fouling of the keels of ships and boats by marine organisms, causing economic and biodiversity issues.
Featuring: Agnese Marchini and Jasmine Ferrario
prodotto da WWF e Huawei nell'ambito del progetto TECH4ALL. Il documentario descrive un innovativo progetto di analisi del panorama sonoro degli habitat, per valutarne lo stato di salute analizzando la biodiversità acustica e l’impatto del rumore.
Con la partecipazione di: Gianni Pavan
prodotto da ITN Productions e dall’Organizzazione Marittima Internazionale dell’ONU (IMO). Nella serie dedicata alle attuali sfide dei mari e degli oceani un segmento stato è dedicato al problema del biofouling: incrostazioni delle chiglie di navi e barche da parte di organismi marini, che causa impatti economici e sulla biodiversità.
Con la partecipazione di: Agnese Marchini e Jasmine Ferrario
Video informativo realizzato da Regione Lombardia per informare sull'attività di inserimento delle varietà vegetali locali, di interesse particolare per l’agricoltura e l’alimentazione, nell’Anagrafe Nazionale della biodiversità agricola e alimentare.
Con la partecipazione di: Graziano Rossi