Links condivisione social

Department Bodies

Director: Prof. Graziano Rossi

The Director represents the Department and his main tasks are:

• convene and preside over the Council and ensure that the relevant deliberations are carried out;

• monitor compliance with the laws, Statutes and regulations of the University;

• appoint, after a decision by the Department Council, the Scientific Technical Committee and the Presidents of the Interdepartmental Research Centres of which the department is the administrative headquarters;

• establish, after a decision of the Department Council, the Study Centres of which the Department is the administrative headquarters.



The Departmental Council is composed of the Director, who chairs it, by a Deputy Director and 5 members of the teaching staff. The Board assists the Director in coordinating the teaching and scientific activities of the Department and exercises the powers of current administration and investigation in the following subjects:

  • noting contents of the three-year reports on the teaching and scientific activities of the department faculty;
  • granting of authorisation for requests by members to associate with research organisations;
  • authorisation for external teaching assignments;
  • conferment of teaching assignments upon proposal of the Teaching Councils;
  • awarding of seminar assignments upon proposal of Teaching Councils;
  • appointment of experts in the subject;
  • establishment of scholarships for research activities, appointment of selection boards for the related competitions, and awarding of scholarships.


Joint Lecturer-Student Committee

The Joint Lecturer-Student Committee of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences consists of five professors and five students. Teachers are appointed by the Department Council, on proposal of the Director, in order to guarantee, as far as possible, the representation of each degree class. Student members are designated by the student representatives of the Department Council from among the students enrolled in the courses pertaining to the Department.

The Joint Committee is responsible for:

  • monitoring the education offer and the quality of teaching as well as the service provided to students by professors and researchers, with reference to the Study Courses managed by the Department;
  • monitoring student opinions (including through the analysis of teaching evaluation forms);
  • identifying and proposing to the Evaluation Unit improvements in the quality of teaching facilities;
  • disseminating the University's Quality policies to students;
  • on behalf of the Department, selecting tutoring projects, preparing the relative calls for applications, carrying out staff selection and drawing up lists for the award of tutoring grants;
  • compiling an annual report broken down by study courses, which takes into account all the educational offer (Annual Reports).

On the basis of the resolution passed by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Council on 30th November 2021, the Joint Lecturer-Student Committee has the following composition for the three-year academic period 2021-2024:

  • Nicoletta Mancin (Prof.)
  • Emanuela Martino (Prof.)
  • Roberto Sacchi (Prof.)
  • Alessio Sanfilippo (Prof.)
  • Riccardo Tribuzio (Prof.)