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Un team di geologi, ecologi e biologi delle Università di Pavia, Bari e Urbino sta studiando gli effetti delle microplastiche sugli anellidi policheti del genere Sabellaria, nella più grande biocostruzione dell’area Mediterranea.
Joseph P. Gonzalez ha lavorato come postdoc presso il Laboratorio di Mineralogia Sperimentale "Fiorenzo Mazzi" del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente per 2 anni.
Il premio è rivolto a dottori di ricerca delle Università italiane e cittadini italiani laureati all’estero, che abbiano svolto una tesi su argomenti tecnici legati all’Energia.
Grazie alla borsa, Stefania potrà visitare uno dei pochi laboratori al mondo specializzati nelle analisi mediante Atom Probe Tomography (APT) per le scienze dei materiali e le geoscienze, l'Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis dell'Universit
«Planet Earth: our home»
The Planet Earth changes faster and faster every day, in a natural way but also due to the influence of mankind. The mission of the researchers of our Department is to continue to discover it, understand it and learn how to manage it.
Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda
Modern society poses continuous challenges for the realization of a fair and inclusive world. For years, our researchers have been developing skills and technologies for the protection and sustainable management of natural environments.
They studied with us...
My journey in the conservation of agrobiodiversity began at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, where I had the opportunity to learn the basics of Conservation Biology.
Filippo Guzzon
Plant biologist and Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center-CIMMYT (Mexico)
Thanks to the Erasmus Traineeship program and the contacts of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, I got to know the research center where I work today, thus realizing my dream: working in an international reality!
Federica Ghione
Seismologist at the Norwegian Seismic Array-NORSAR and PhD student at the University of Oslo (Norway)