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Locations and facilities

The Department’s teaching and research facilities are located in four locations:

Via Ferrata 1: classrooms and study rooms, laboratories and offices of the professors of geological area, administrative and teaching secretariat.

Via S. Epifanio 14 (Botanical Garden): teaching classrooms and study rooms, laboratories and offices of professors of botanical and ecological area, administrative offices.

Via Ferrata 9 ('Botta 2 - Golgi-Spallanzani'): laboratories and offices of professors of zoological area, administrative support.

Viale Taramelli 24 (Faculty of Science): laboratories and offices of professors of ecological and zoological area.


In the four locations are distributed several educational laboratories and over thirty research laboratories.


The department also manages:

- Germplasm Bank, located at via S. Epifanio 8

- Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research, located at Viale Taramelli 24

- Herbarium - Herbarium Universitatis Ticinensis (PAV), located at Via S. Epifanio 14

- Mineralogy museum, located at Via Ferrata 1

- Bosco Siro Negri Integral Nature Reserve, Zerbolò (PV)