Quality of teaching
The quality of teaching is the concern of the Teaching Councils of the degree courses, under the responsibility of the Department. There is a Teaching Council, chaired by Prof. Ausonio Ronchi, for the courses in Geological Sciences and in Geosciences for Sustainable Development. A Teaching Council, chaired by Prof. Agnese Marchini, for the courses in Science and Technology for Nature and in Conservation of Biodiversity, Teaching and Scientific Communication.
In particular, four Review Groups are established, one for each study course, which are in charge of:
- carrying out a self-assessment of the study course to meet accreditation requirements;
- analysing the results of the study course's training processes in order to identify critical points and possible improvement actions;
- drafting documents such as parts of the SUA-CdS form, the Annual Monitoring Form (AMF), based on an analysis of the Indicators provided by Anvur, and the Cyclical Review Report.
In addition, there is the Teaching Coordination and Development Commission aimed at:
- dealing in a unified approach with teaching issues that are not specific to the Teaching Councils in the Department;
- evaluating the distribution and use of the University's teaching funds.
Finally, with regard to the Master's Degree Plus (Laurea Magistrale Plus, LM+), Prof. Claudia Meisina is the Coordinator for LM+ in Geosciences for Sustainable Development, while Prof. Solveig Tosi is the Coordinator for LM+ in Biodiversity Conservation, Education and Scientific Communication.
Responsible for the Scientific Degree Plan (SDP) are, for the Degree Course in Geological Sciences, Dr. Patrizio Torrese (SDP Project 'Geology'), and for the Degree Course in Nature Sciences and Technology, Prof. Agnese Marchini (SDP Project 'Environmental and Natural Sciences')